Your Team,
By Design

If you're a creative director, you know that individual genii don't always amount to a collective genius. Your Team, By Design can change that.

Define your leadership style

It all starts with you.

Take a deep dive into your Human Design with a comprehensive chart reading to determine your strategy as a leader.

Calibrate your creative team

Know thy team.

Individual sessions with your designers will reveal their working style, how they take feedback, and what you can do to bring out the best in each of them.

Design a pixel-perfect workflow

Teamwork makes the dream work.

The experience will culminate in a collective workshop as an opportunity to understand how you can work with each other to harmonize the collaborative process.

Designed for creative leaders

This program serves creative leaders of all walks of life, whether they are in-house or agency, in big or small teams, private sector or non-profit.

Senior creatives with direct reports
senior designers, design/creative leads, design/art directors

You want to foster a healthy, aligned environment for your junior designers to thrive in, and to shake things up for your senior designers.

Leaders in charge of a creative team
creative directors, chief creative officers, VP of creative

You make creative and operational decisions for the members of your team, including briefing, reviewing, feedback, hiring, and mentoring.

Project managers in large organizations
global creative agencies/in-house creative team

Your company runs like a machine, but it feel like each department or agency partner is siloed and you desire more cohesion.

Marketing professionals in small companies
non-profits, boutique agencies, startups

Your team is scrappy with everyone wearing multiple hats, and you are experiencing friction in your daily interactions because they feel spread too thin.

What is Human Design?

Design system


Much like a design system, Human Design provides a set of patterns that can be understood and used by all members of your team to help ensure that everyone is on the same page.

A unique blueprint


No Human Design chart is identical – everyone has their own unique perspectives and processes. When you understand how each team member is wired, it allows you to create more cohesively.



A connection chart (a composite of two Human Design charts) can paint a precise picture of how two members interact. It provides an invaluable insight, especially if you are experiencing conflict.

A must-have for leaders


The pandemic has fundamentally affected how you hire and work with your team. Understanding your team's Human Design will help foster a strong sense of belonging, which is imperative in the age of remote working.

Designed with your team in mind

You and your team are unique. That's why YTBD isn't one-size-fits-all. It will be custom made for you to get the most out of the experience.

Follow-up integration call

Following the workshop, a private integration call will be scheduled for you to review the findings and re-evaluate your strategies.

Integration workshop

As a collective, we will review the general findings of the sessions, identify major patterns that stand out, and discuss ways we can mitigate any pertinent issues. The contents of the workshop will be customized based on the size and makeup of your team.

Personalized reports

Everyone will receive a personalized report of their readings. Yours will also include a collective report and recommendations for next steps.

Connection chart readings

You may choose one or more team member to generate a connection chart for a deep dive into the relationship to identify and resolve any pain points.

Individual chart readings

Each team member will receive a basic Human Design chart reading, covering their type, strategy, authority, profile, signature, and centres. You will receive a comprehensive reading, including the gates and channels. You may opt to upgrade your team members (all or select few) to comprehensive reading.

Ready to align?

Fill out the form below and I'll respond within 48 hours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this program for?

This program serves creative leaders of all walks of life, whether they are in-house or agency, in big or small teams, private sector or non-profit.

Can I join this program if I don't have a team?

If your team isn't in place yet, it would be best for you to start with Your Design, By Design Intensive instead.

Do I need to know Human Design to participate?

You do not need to have any prior knowledge about Human Design. Of course, you are welcome to read up on it, although you may find the information a bit too esoteric – but worry not! I will cover the basic introduction to the methodology in our sessions and reports, and I'll be sure to use language that is digestible and approachable, focusing on tangible takeaways as opposed to jargons.

Why is the program by application only?

Since this is deeply integrative work and a significant exchange of energy for both parties, it is important that we have the right fit. This program is not one-size-fits-all and is customizable to your team, based on the size and type of your organization, specific issues you'd like addressed, etc. The application helps me determine a custom plan that will serve us both.

What is the maximum/minimum number of participants?

For optimal experience, minimum number of participants is 3. If you only have one direct report, I recommend a connection chart reading instead.

For me to best serve everyone, the maximum number of participants is 8. If your team is bigger, or you have multiple departments/partners you'd like to collaborate with, I recommend the following:

- assign a representative from each pod/unit
- pick only those you work/interact most closely/often with
- do the program multiple times with each pod/unit over a longer period of time

How much is the investment?

Since this program is not one-size-fits-all and is customizable to your team, the pricing will vary based on the size of your team and the configuration you choose (number of comprehensive readings and connection charts, etc). Upon receiving the application, I will be providing a quote and a custom plan.